キャンペーン |
東部侵略 SotBE THoT TRoW 南部防衛隊 AToTB UtBS 闇へ堕ちて 王位継承者 自由 NR AOI SoF |
Era |
言語 |
C af ar bg ca ca cs da de el en eo es et eu fi fr fur gl he hr hu id it ja ko la lt lv mk nb nl pl pt pt ro ru sk sl sr sr sv tl tr zh zh |
There is an old tale about the creation of the the IceWind order: A gang of children were fishing when a very young female, hooking something bigger then she could land, was dragged into the subzero waters. She did not reappear. Two days later, by which time the tribe had nearly forgotton the loss, a sentry witnessed an unnerving spectacle. The very same girl, delirious with exhaustion and deathly pale, was spotted dragging herself from the pond.
After the incident the girl, whose name is a closely guarded secret, was never the same. The tribespeople told stories of seeing her freeze a bear solid, simply by looking at it, others claimed that she went out by night to converse with unseen things that moved in the water. Nobody dared approch her about these rumours, lest they prove to be true.
She became the founder of the IceWind order, every year she would select children from the tribe to train. Whatever she taught them, it granted them a mysterious influence over the elements of their habitat. The Herders themselves describe this influence as 'union'. Within her lifetime the order became an accepted part of the clan.
The child refused outright to reveal what had happened in the frozen pool and when she died many years later the secret died with her.
特記事項: このユニットは魔法攻撃を保有し、その攻撃は常に高い確率で敵に命中します。
クラスチェンジ元: | |
クラスチェンジ先: | Icewind Drover Steppe Outcast |
コスト: | 18 |
HP: | 37 |
移動: | 5 |
経験: | 55 |
レベル: | 1 |
属性: | 混沌 |
ID | Steppe Herder |
能力: |
![]() | staff 打撃 | 4 - 3 格闘 | |
![]() | frostbite 冷気 | 4 - 4 投射 | 魔法 |
抵抗力: | |
斬撃 | -20% |
貫通 | -10% |
打撃 | -10% |
火炎 | -10% |
冷気 | 30% |
秘術 | 0% |
地形 | 移動コスト | 防御 |
キノコの森 | 3 | 40% |
丘 | 2 | 50% |
山 | 3 | 50% |
平原 | 1 | 40% |
村 | 1 | 60% |
森 | 2 | 60% |
沼地 | 3 | 30% |
洞窟 | 2 | 40% |
洞窟の壁 | 99 | 90% |
浅瀬 | 3 | 20% |
深い割目 | 99 | 20% |
深水 | 99 | 20% |
砂地 | 2 | 30% |
雪 | 1 | 40% |